Sunday 10 October 2010

Lecture No.2 Research Language

. Research, When I first started being creative I had almost no direction it's most like the same for everyone, some people are born with talent and some of us need to study up. Talented or not research is extremely important and I realise this clearly, once I started looking up different artists paths began opening up, the techniques the colours the forms, all boosted me into being inspired to go and try these different techniques. I understand there are two different forms of research one is Primary research where we need to go out in the world and have some initiative to look for our own form of research, simply reading a paragraph of text could easily inspire people to be creative, and to create illustrations based off of text and keep it's message is a complete success. The second form of research is Secondary research, where less initiative is needed especially now with the internet it's easy to search up on many different artists it's convenient and it could still inspire work but with less originality. For us to be visual communicators it's important to try and take something small and meaningless and change it into a piece of art/design with meaning.

Above is a scan in of some Primary research.
. Target audience, to have a piece of design is one thing but having it communicate a message is another. So as visual communicators it's very important to always be thinking about the target audience even if it's just a small minority of people with certain tastes it's important to know about the culture, who these people are and what do they do. We can't just take guesses we need to study up, we might not care for the life style but as visual communicators we need to capture their attention and have them understand that we understand who they are, so they can take the message seriously. Knowing the audience can change the design of any idea from colours to style of lines, it can go on.

Above is a flyer which was made for a rock concert, keeping things simple, with just a shot of a clothing with skulls and adding colours that make it seem as though the person as at the rock concert.

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